Create new perspectives

Become a trusted resource. Whether launching a new brand or refreshing an old one, a clean, distinctive, informative system of logos, icons, symbols, and visual information helps to promote a trusted brand. The Nutrispective brand will launch an independent review of supplements by researchers to help create an unbiased perspective on what works, what doesn't, and what may just be unclear.

Imagine a periodic table of supplements

Nutrispective uses a business model that focuses on scientific research to provide answers to a community that wants to use supplements in a responsible way. Complex information is delivered via a system of icons, or symbols, in a series of cards-like tiles with the most important information immediately accessible.

Designing this system of information begins with an analysis of the 'information architecture' that is simplified, made more user-friendly and intuitive for easy access without reading pages of dense text.

What’s in your pillbox?

Personalized dietary supplement information

The community of subscribers can keep tabs on the latest research related to supplements and health conditions that apply to them by storing information in their secure page. My Pillbox refers to the selections they choose to follow as new research becomes available.

The chart of their selected supplements is also organized in an easy-to-read series of tables and icons.

Build a community

Focused on dietary supplements, Nutrispective will provide preventive and therapeutic assessments on 150 most searched for supplements, an online community to discuss supplement use and an online pillbox to track supplement consumption.

Content provision is overseen by a panel of clinical research experts which include faculty from Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State, Center for Human Nutrition at Tufts University, the Biological Chemistry Department at UCLA and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins.

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Company Launch, Branding, Marketing, Video, Trade Show

Front-end Development, UI/UX User Interface Design